credit check

3 Ways To Research New Hires That Work

Hiring a new employee can be just as stressful for you as the potential employee. A glowing resume and impressive interview only give you an edited picture of a person. To know if someone’s personality will work with the team, you will need to dig a little deeper. Here are three ways to get a more complete, unfiltered view of a person before you hire them. Some of these steps can be done before an interview in order to refine your list. Or, you can dig deeper into a candidate that you are strongly considering.

Perform a Credit Check

This is a serious step that requires approval from the applicant and a fee. Credit checks should only be done for top contenders. Credit check services for employers are limited. You will not be able to access all of their personal information, and rightly so. However, you will be able to see overall trends and maybe a red flag or two.

If the position you are hiring for includes handling company money, then a credit check should be done. Look out for people who have multiple foreclosures or bankruptcies. There might be ulterior motives behind their interest in the job. A history of late fees and multiple bank account closings could be a warning sign that the person is not responsible.

Use Social Media

A survey done by CareerBuilder showed that 70% of employers used social media in their hiring practices. The information is out there, so why not use it? You could simply check that the applicant’s resume matches information posted on professional sites like LinkedIn. Equally important, you will get an idea if the person can easily fit into the workplace culture. 

Look on the candidate’s social media pages for racist, sexist or drug-related posts. Read any blogs they may have. You may find information that proves the person will fit right in or discover a characteristic that would cause friction in the workplace. If you are unable to locate a social media presence, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

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Check References

Checking references has been done for decades because it works. Speaking to people who have actually worked with a potential new hire is invaluable. References can speak to a person’s work ethic. They can also shed light on the applicant’s peer relationships. These are things that can’t be revealed on a resume, but they contribute to the overall success of an employee.

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